Archive by tag: countertop Return

Throw Out Those Cuttingboards; Use Your Counter Top | Granite Boise

28 Jul, 2016

Most of us place cutting boards on our counters to protect them becoming scratched and nicked by cutting knives and other food preparation tools, so you might be wondering just how these professionals are getting away with prepping food directly on their counter tops without ruining them.


8 Tips To Organize Your Kitchen Counter Tops | Granite Boise

21 Jul, 2016

You can spend a LOT of money on your counter tops. Don't let them get cluttered by "stuff".


Quartz Countertops Are Durable And Beautiful | Boise Quartz

06 Jul, 2016

To truly make your home beautiful while remaining cost effective, quartz countertops are one of the best choices out there.


How To Properly Clean & Maintain Your Countertops

30 Jun, 2016

Every natural stone countertop material has unique characteristics, and they each require specific care and cleaning steps. Long-term maintenance relies on identifying the type of countertop that you have so that you can gain a thorough understanding of how to protect it.


Where Does Granite Come From?

07 Jun, 2016

Granite comes from deep within the earth. At once point, granite was magma, or melted rock. It took millions of years for it to cool, harden, then work its way up to the surface of the earth. Often, upheavals such as earthquakes or tectonic shifts heave the granite up. Many of these granites are fou...


What Is the Best Countertop For My Kitchen?

31 May, 2016

No matter the material, a countertop should be pleasing to the eye and fairly durable to meet your specific kitchen needs.


What Is the Difference Between Quartz, Marble, and Granite?

27 May, 2016

Quartz, marble and granite add elegance to any home! They can be installed as tiles on the walls or floors, as backsplashes or on the tops of kitchen countertops and bathroom and powder room vanities. But what is the difference between them?


Top 5 Bathroom Trends for 2016

09 May, 2016

Your bathroom should be your own private retreat! Here are this year's 5 top trends for new bathrooms.


What is Quartz Anyway?

25 Apr, 2016

Kitchen and bathroom countertop materials are one of the most important decisions an owner can make. The most attractive and long-lasting type of countertop material is quartz, or manufactured stone.


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